Compact Head Separate Global Shutter CMOS Camera


ID1M Series are head-separated compact Global Shutter cameras with 1.2M pixel AR135 resolution and M12/M10.5 lens mount. The two types of camera output, USB3.0 and the Cameralink interface, are supported. You may let CCU (Camera Control Unit) host two camera heads synchronized as single frame.In addition, a camera head cable compatible with a detachable robot cable has also been added.


・Compact GS Camera with the 14mmφ body
・2-head-synchronized capturing
・Two Types (USB and Camera Link)of camera output supported
・Detachable robot cable compatible model

ID1MB-UCL(Straight) ID1MB-UCL(L-angle)



Camera head cable compatible with a detachable

Model name

Normal Cable Robot Cable
ID1MB-UCL (Mono / Pen) ID1MB-RC-UCL (Mono / Pen)
ID1MC-UCL (Color / Pen) ID1MC-RC-UCL (Color / Pen)
ID1MB-L-UCL (Mono / L) ID1MB-L-RC-UCL (Mono / L)
ID1MC-L-UCL (Color/ L) ID1MC-L-RC-UCL (Color/ L)
ID1MBx2-UCL (Mono / Pen / 2head) ID1MBx2-RC-UCL (Mono / Pen / 2head)
ID1MCx2-UCL (Color / Pen / 2head) ID1MCx2-RC-UCL (Color / Pen / 2head)
ID1MBx2-L-UCL (Mono / L / 2head) ID1MBx2-L-RC-UCL (Mono / L / 2head)
ID1MCx2-L-UCL (Color / L / 2head) ID1MCx2-L-RC-UCL (Color / L / 2head)

Basic specifications

Camera Type 1.2M Pixel 1 Head Type
Output Interface USB3.0 Camera Link Base or PoCL Base
Image Sensor Global Shutter Onsemi AR0135
Image Circle 1/3inch φ6.0mm size
Pixel Size 3.75μm x 3.75μm
Image Output Effective Pixel 1,284(H) x 962(V)
Pixel Clock 72.5MHz
Output Format Mono 8bit(10/12bit TBD)
Raw color 8bit(10/12bit TBD)
Camera Link Base configuration
Mono 8/10/12bit
Raw color 8/10/12bit
Frame Rate
(To be accelerated by adjusting vertical line number)
USB2.0 : 15fps
USB3.0 : 54fps
CL Base 2tap : 54fps
Gain 0~+12db
Shutter Speed off~1/40,000s
Partial Scan ROI : 1 area (Min. 1line)
Trigger Mode Fixed shutter trigger mode, plus width shutter trigger mode
Signal Output USB3.0
UVC Driver Support
CameraLink Base or PoCL Base
Signal Output Connector USB3.0 Micro B Connector Camera Link / PoCL SDR26pin
Lens Mount M12 Mount(Standard)、M10.5 Mount(Converted)
External Trigger Inputs USB3.0 or Hirose 12pin Camera Link or Hirose 12pin
Power Voltage DC12V±10%
Power Consumption max. 2.5W or below
Camera Size Camera Head(Straight): φ14mm W 54(57.5)mm / CCU:W 96mm D 50mm H 25mm(excluding projection)
Camera Head Cable Camera Head Cable:Standaerd 2m(Supports up to 8m)
Weight Camera Head about 7g(excluding lens and cables)
Environment Temperature-5~+45℃ Humidity20~85%RH, No condensation
Camera Type 1.2M Pixel 2 Head Type
Output Interface USB3.0 Camera Link Base or PoCL Base
Image Sensor Global Shutter Onsemi AR0135 x 2 Head
Image Circle 1/3 inch φ6.0mm size
Pixel Size 3.75μm x 3.75μm
Image Output Effective Pixel 2,568(H) x 962(V)
Pixel Clock 72.5MHz
Output Format Mono 8bit
Raw color 8bit
Camera Link Base 2TAP
Mono 8/10/12bit
Raw color 8/10/12bit
Frame Rate
(To be accelerated by adjusting vertical line number)
USB2.0 : 7.5fps
USB3.0 : 29fps
CL Base 2tap : 54fps
Gain 0~+12db
Shutter Speed off~1/40,000s
Partial Scan ROI : 1 area (Min. 4line)
Trigger Mode Fixed shutter trigger mode, plus width shutter trigger mode
Signal Output USB3.0
UVC Driver Support
CameraLink Base or PoCL Base
1TAP / 2TAP / 3TAP
Signal Output Connector USB3.0 Micro B Connector Camera Link / PoCL SDR26pin
Lens Mount M12 Mount(Standard)、M10.5 Mount(Converted)
External Trigger Inputs USB3.0 or Hirose 12pin Camera Link or Hirose12pin
Power Voltage DC12V±10%
Power Consumption max. 2.5W or below
Camera Size Camera Head(Straight):φ14mm W 54(57.5)mm / CCU:W 96mm D 50mm H 25mm(excluding projection)
Camera Head Cable Camera Head Cable:Standard 2m(Supports up to 8m)
Weight Camera Head : about 7g x 2Head (excluding lens and cables)
Environment Temperature -5~+45℃ Humidity20~85%RH, No condensation

Download (Technical Manual)






Software Download

SDK for Compact Head Separate Camera[ID1Mx-UCL]